- Learned to row as a Masters rower at Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC), starting with a Learn to Row in the summer of 2010
- Rowed on BIAC Novice, Intermediate, and Competitive teams (2010 - 2015), competing in all boat classes (1x, 2x, 2-, 4+, 8+) at local and national regattas including Southwest Regionals, San Diego Crew Classic, Head of the Lake (Seattle, WA), and Masters Nationals
- Competed at Head of the Charles Regatta in the 1x since 2015, including winning guaranteed entries for 2017, 2019
- Coxing experience in practices and Masters regattas including local regattas (California) and Head of the Lake
- Head of the Charles volunteer on Finish Area Launch Setup (FALS) and Singles and Doubles Launch docks (SADL)
- Assistant coaching roles (high school, masters one-on-one sculling ramp-ups)
- Participated in Mike Sullivan’s 1/2 day workshop on teaching sculling to beginners, 2012
- Taught sculling basics to beginners at BIAC, ~ 2012 - 2013 on an ad hoc basis to assist Mike Sullivan
- Provided stroke technique help, tours of the channel, and club introductions for new members and experienced sweep rowers learning to scull
Certifications and Training
- USRowing Level II Coaching Certification (2018)
- Attended Joy of Sculling Conference, 2018 - A coaching conference that, despite the name, covers both sweep and sculling, and hosts elite coaches and researchers. Last years’ presenters, for example, included coaches from Harvard and Penn, and Voelker Nolte, coach, rower, researcher, and author of the classic, Rowing Faster
Swimming and Triathlon
- Competed in three US summer nationals and a US Olympic Trials (all required making qualifying time standards), best events distance freestyle and butterfly
- Held an age group national record (9-10 yr olds) in 110 yd butterfly, and ranked top 10 in the US in several age group events at various times
- Texas high school state champion, 100 yd butterfly
- Won honors and broke records in Mexico City in the annual Texas-Mexico swim competition
- Swam for teams in Puerto Rico, London (Watford), Texas, and Southern California (LA Athletic Club, Rosemead Swimming Club), and competed internationally
- Competed in open water swimming events (1 to 3 miles) as an age grouper, and later Masters
- Competed in several sprint triathlons as an adult, along with some Masters swim meets
- Demo’ed stroke technique for US Olympic coach Don Gambril at his request for a coaching clinic in San Antonio, Texas
- Helped swimmers with stroke technique on an ad-hoc basis
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