Victoria Bialas

Rowing Portfolio


  • Learned to row as a Masters rower at Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC), starting with a Learn to Row in the summer of 2010
  • Rowed on BIAC Novice, Intermediate, and Competitive teams (2010 - 2015), competing in all boat classes (1x, 2x, 2-, 4+, 8+) at local and national regattas including Southwest Regionals, San Diego Crew Classic, Head of the Lake (Seattle, WA), and Masters Nationals
  • Competed at Head of the Charles Regatta in the 1x since 2015, including winning guaranteed entries for 2017, 2019
  • Coxing experience in practices and Masters regattas including local regattas (California) and Head of the Lake
  • Head of the Charles volunteer on Finish Area Launch Setup (FALS) and Singles and Doubles Launch docks (SADL)


  • Assistant coaching roles (high school, masters one-on-one sculling ramp-ups)
  • Participated in Mike Sullivan’s 1/2 day workshop on teaching sculling to beginners, 2012
  • Taught sculling basics to beginners at BIAC, ~ 2012 - 2013 on an ad hoc basis to assist Mike Sullivan
  • Provided stroke technique help, tours of the channel, and club introductions for new members and experienced sweep rowers learning to scull

Certifications and Training

Swimming and Triathlon

  • Competed in three US summer nationals and a US Olympic Trials (all required making qualifying time standards), best events distance freestyle and butterfly
  • Held an age group national record (9-10 yr olds) in 110 yd butterfly, and ranked top 10 in the US in several age group events at various times
  • Texas high school state champion, 100 yd butterfly
  • Won honors and broke records in Mexico City in the annual Texas-Mexico swim competition
  • Swam for teams in Puerto Rico, London (Watford), Texas, and Southern California (LA Athletic Club, Rosemead Swimming Club), and competed internationally
  • Competed in open water swimming events (1 to 3 miles) as an age grouper, and later Masters
  • Competed in several sprint triathlons as an adult, along with some Masters swim meets
  • Demo’ed stroke technique for US Olympic coach Don Gambril at his request for a coaching clinic in San Antonio, Texas
  • Helped swimmers with stroke technique on an ad-hoc basis


  • Click LinkedIn button in footer to message me through LinkedIn, or send email via the Contact page.